Learn how to become a
Fully Human Leader™

I share my ideas in The American Lawyer, Bloomberg Law, Corporate Counsel, Law.com, and Business Insider. I also discuss them in podcast and media interviews, as well as in my LinkedIn posts about personal (everyday) leadership.

My Articles & Fully Human Lawyer™ Columns

When the pandemic first started, I wrote an article to help our profession “humanize itself” during that uncertain and scary time. It was a top-trender on The American Lawyer for weeks. The legal profession’s tremendous response revealed a hunger for real-life, practical advice about how to leverage our common humanity to drive performance. With that my Fully Human Lawyer™ column was born. I’m grateful for the terrific input, candid feedback, and overwhelming encouragement from so many leaders in the legal profession.


Media + Podcast Interviews

The Secret Ingredient to Leadership Shared by an Executive Coach (a 30-minute listen)

How great does it feel when a law firm client you greatly admire asks you to explain your single most important belief about leadership? In this podcast interview, I discuss with a nationally respected wellness-in-business expert the not-so-obvious link between wellness and superior leadership. (Hint: Don’t worry, you definitely won’t hear “you should just go meditate…”)


When is ‘Good,’ Good ENOUGH? Overcoming Perfectionism (a 20-minute listen)

My personal hero – NYT best-selling author, Harvard Medical School professor, and ADHD-pioneer/luminary Ned Hallowell, MD – invited me to explain the surprising negative impact of perfectionism on leadership. Many overachievers have told me (a former overachiever myself!) that this new view of leadership helped them kick their perfectionism to the curb once and for all. (Note: Dr. Hallowell’s podcast applies to all humans (no ADHD required!). The interview starts at :40).


Where Women’s Leadership Programs Fall Short (a 2-minute read)

Old name: “Women’s leadership program.” New name: “Program to hone leadership skills in which people invest their time, energy and attention to understand/identify/prevent (men) and learn to navigate/flourish despite/prevent (women) the complex drivers and often subtle manifestations of gender bias.”