Podcast: When is ‘Good,’ Good ENOUGH?
Interview by Renowned Expert and Bestselling Author Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell, MD

Lauren Krasnow, JD, PCC

Ever question whether your performance — as a leader, at work, as a parent, academically, financially — is “good enough”? Or, do you manage to sidestep that Q by pathologically working too hard?

For many of us, the answer is a big fat unpleasant “Yes.” Which is why…

I’m SO excited to share this podcast, in which I was invited by NYT bestselling author and renowned former Harvard professor Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell, M.D., to explore how we can become better leaders by finally kicking perfectionism to the curb.

Dr. Hallowell and I offer an empowering way to reconsider the relationship between leadership and the pursuit of excellence… in all areas of our lives.

The podcast is 20 minutes, after a brief initial ad.

How fantastic would it be if the energy we all waste on self-doubt and stress were channeled into creative, fulfilling and “world-improving” (if that’s a word…) endeavors instead?

If this helps nudge you or anyone else in that direction, please share!

PS – While the podcast targets folks with ADHD — I’m a leadership coach with advanced training in ADHD — this episode applies equally to all humans (no ADHD required!).

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